
Day 40: Preventing Explosions

Day 40 (1/29/11)

Another day, another problem. I had to take my car in today because the "Check Engine" light came on last night. And $120 later, I now know that a hose is cracked but not fixed (yet) and that I had an eroding gasket, which has been fixed.

I also learned what it means to have quality service. The stations I brought my car to up at school is the same company that I take my car to back home. Both places, I have received nothing but wonderful service from two completely different sets of people who probably have no idea that the others exist.

To be 13 hours apart, and receive such amazing service in both places makes me realize that there is someone, womewhere, who is running this company and "gets it." They understand. And not just the problems, either! They get what it means to be in the position of the customer and the worker and know what kinds of people it takes to get the job done and keep customers feeling safe.

And that is just cool.

Day 40:

- One ridiculously haunting cough

- Thirty-eight ICA papers graded

- One amusing student who has confused Billie Holiday and Billy Elliot

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