
Day 19: Electricity

Day 19 (1/8/11)

What a fantastic day! And to put it in the words of my good friend SA, "I can't believe we have such an awesome God who can make all of this!" I got to spend the morning with my roommate, the afternoon with three of my friends whilst cross-country skiing around Lake Valentine, and the evening out with three of my girls to go see Billy Elliot.
All in all, a grand day exploring this amazing world and all of the talent that inhabits it.
P.S. I am pretty sure that there is a large Dino-bird alien dreeping in the Arden Hills area, along with a few camps of serial killers... so watch out.

Day 19:

- One lap around Lake Valentine

- Approximately six hours adventuring in Minneapolis

- One seat on the second balcony

Also on Day 19: Twenty minutes spent attempting get buckled into cross-country skis, five dollars for a parking spot, three attempts at finding a restaurant, a gazillion silly people fighting for the restroom at intermission, two adorable, small children on stage, one very talented 13-year-old dance star.

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