
A Wonderful Journey

And so begins the story of the life and times of Starshine - or Megan, as mostly everyone affectionately calls me. Unless you in the number of people who don't call me Megan (Johnson, Chay, Noel, or Starshine - don't ask, long story... actually go ahead and ask).

Let the Drama Begin...

As most of you do, or don't, know I am an actress at heart. Maybe not the best on stage but I am definitely a tad overdramatic at almost all times. Demonstration: Pink pillow as given to me for my birthday by Butt Munch (or Sam as everyone seems to think his name is) that all too honestly states Mood Swings Ahead. Currently I am working of pieces for National and State levels of speech, playing Myrtle (hilarious, I know) in Vacancy in Paradise, and starring as Lucy in the Broadway musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I am looking to possibly major in theatre education in college =) - wherever that is.

The Boring Bits of Life

Boring bits meaning school, chores, and occasionally work (although that 'tis usually a tad dramatic). School is pretty - mediocre (to use a ten dollar word). Our high school is currently under some major, nasty construction and they are planning to have it all finished right after I graduate in '09. Joy. I go to school 5 days a week and work weekends ( or work one day and participate in other day consuming events on the other day). Once again - joy. It's not really all that bad as I love most of the girls I work with at Great Clips (NO, I DO NOT CUT HAIR!) Anyhow two of them in particular are like my big sisters (Miss Amy and Katie... Amy use to be my day care watcher). And she is Miss Amy for a reason, I have quite a few Amy's in my life =).

The Gang

Otherwise known as my bff's, friends forever, etc., etc., I love my friends. Period. There is not much more to it quite honestly. My closest ones I would take a bullet for should the need ever arise. This is where a second Amy comes into play =). I love Amy, she is a doll and beyond what anyone could ever ask for in a friend. And for that matter so are most of my friends. My personal gang consists of Amy, Josh, Kristin, Erica, Audi, Allison (my sister who baptized me*smile*), Julia, Callie, my two Sarah's, and of course Michael - my amazing boyfriend. Not to say I don't love all my friends these are just my closest ones. I am currently going on two months with my amazing boyfriend Michael. He is absolutely one of the most amazing, patient, and fascinating people I have met in my entire life. He continues to amaze me with his thoughtfulness in all the small things he does. I can honestly I have never felt so loved, beautiful, and safe as I do when I am with him.

Absolutely Not Normal Chaos

And this would be my family =). I love my family and are the people I am closest to in the world, besides God;). I live most of the time with my mom ( whom I adore and admire), my brother (Butt Munch - as referenced earlier - I honestly love him to deaht though), Darren (my mom's fiance), and my chow-collie mix Bear ( who is the fluffiest creature alive). Sometimes I stay briefly at my dad's house with his fiancee (the third Amy) and his two daughters. They are the best sisters ever (even if I do have to fall asleep looking at HSM and Hannah Montana posters). My family is about the most amazing thing to me about life and I am beyond loucky to have the relationships that I do with them. They act as my muses and my inspiration when things look grim, even though I don't tell them this nearly enough.

Et Cetera

And that is mostly it, save the small things. I am a bookworm, and band geek (alto sax). Music keeps me alive and I have a passion for classic rock and 80's/90's music. I am a small gamer, having played WoW and DAoC for going on five or six years. I am very religious but not in the traditional sense. I have a close relationship with God but I am not a Bible thumper. I am addicted to Zesty Taco/ Chipotle Ranch Doritos. I love vampires. I try to write but can almost never finish a story. I am also a vegetarian.

Trivia: What movie soundtrack includes the song that I named my first entry after?

And so ends the first of my blog entries. Hope you enjoy!

Playlist: Good Morning, Starshine - from Hair, One Girl Revolution - Superchick, Head Over Feet - Alanis Morrisette, My Wish - Rascal Flatts, Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion ( dedicated to my Granny, I will see you again someday)


Michael said...

Wait, so do you cut hair at greatclips?

proud2Bdork said...

thnks! luv the pic of u, its gorgeous.