

'Tis in all actuality, not true. I am not snowbound, nor do I wish to be. However, the blanket of cold, calm snow outside acts as my muse for the day. It's gentle and floating, not caring that once it hits the ground it creates obstacles for every being trying to get around today. It makes me wonder why society today always feels so rushed, when indeed, we should be trying to slow down and look at the finer, more miraculous points of life.

The Show Will Go On...

Yesterday was our third snowday of the year, although the only one thus far with an actual substantial amount of snow. It's beuatiful outside, I must admit. Anyhow school was cancelled, and Charlie Brown practice was not. It was fun though, endless amount of goofing aroud. Amy (fourth Amy) and I, however, are struggling with the task of memorizing the vegetables in MacGregor's garden (*allusion!) 'Tis not an easy task as one might think - for should one not say the right vegetable at the right time, the feet of the song become all mumbo-jumbo'd and awkward as a dancer with two left feet to lead with. Kristin and I will be drilling our duo (Final Placement) very hard the week after Charlie Brown, to ensure that we make it to nationals - which is in Appleton, Wisconsin this year! GO cheeseheads! *points to self, whisper* From Wisconsin if ya couldn't tell...

The Boring Bits of Life

Really, this week, the boring bits have not been so incredibly boring. Of three weekdays thus far, I have had one day of school. And aside from karma kicking me in the ass once or twice, it was a very nice day of school. Although if we have school tomorrow, it may very well seem like longest day ever, as I am awaiting to see my valentine. In contrast to last year, this year's Valentine's Day will NOT be spent on a bus down to Orlando, crying my eyes out for several straight hours, listening to Rufus Wainwright repetitively, and mourning the past. This Valentine's Day will be a good one - I am sure of it. Possibly because I have the best boyfriend a girl could ask for and all really need to be happy is just to see him. And thus the boring bits, are not so increidbly boring.

The Gang

The Gang, so far as I am currently aware of, is doing fine. At the present moment, I am holding an unannounced casting call for dates for some of my friends. NO, I WILL NOT SAY FOR WHOM! So intersted guys, please leave a comment. Neville and I (Tonks), had a "discussion" the other night that has really opened my eyes to much of what I have refused to acknowledge for years - that indeed people can be happy of their own accord and most, in fact, are not like me. I am always out to find someone to fall head over heels for, and I can give my heart away at the drop of a hat. Not that it's a bad thing to be a romantic, I just open myself up to be a great bit more vulnerable. And some of my friends, I have come to understand, don't want to deal with that pain or be responsible for the pain of others. Some don't need to have an "other half" to be happy. And I applaud them for being able to be content with that. So, Valentine's Day is coming up and I have absolutely no clue what to get Michael. What do you get a guy for Valentine's Day??? Hmmm... if you have any thoughts please feel free to contact me, although I am sure to come up with something on my own... eventually.

*Et Cetera

Today I have slipt into a song writing mood. It is a very rare occasion for me, although when the mood strikes it strikes. So far my song is untitled but is written to a punk rock rhythm... which is much harder to write to than I would have expected. So snaps for every successful punk rock, song writing band out there (BFS, that is to you). Here is my first verse and intro to chorus thus far (although it may become my second verse) and I am still tweaking the chorus so it will be posted at a later date.

And you smashed your chair against the wall,
Can’t remember what this happened for,
But it seems to me like maybe we’re fallin’…
You push away from the warmth inside,
I try to hold on but you just cry,
Staring at me…

I’m not sure,
If this was our – best idea yet…
But I hold on – I can’t let go…

Comment if you want. I know I am not the best lyricist, but once again it is a rare form for me. Lately, my phobia of even numbers (artiophobia) has been coming to a head and I am not sure how to let it go. Ah, well, such is the life of a mundane wanderer in this complex world.

* Nothing new for Absolutely Not Normal Chaos

Last Entry's Answer: Anastasia
Trivia: What poet write the idyll that shares a name with this blog entry?

Playlist: Sugar, We're Going Down Swinging - Fall Out Boy, The Book Report - from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown!, Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright, Down For the Count - Bowling For Soup, The Way We Get By - Spoon

1 comment:

Michael said...

You are right about this V-day. <3