
All I Really Want

It's been a busy week, so forgive me for the extreme lack of energy that will be put into this blog =/ I promise better ones once this crazy hell of a week is finished...


This week may, as has been statistically proven, may indeed be the end of my existence. It is only day two of six and I am nearing the edge of a mental break down. I am sure YAGMCB will turn out fine...eventually. However, until I can start hitting the right notes, the stress level builds infintely. Also, my intensely moody drama teacher almost pushed me over the edge yesterday with her behavior towards a woman who recently lost her daughter. It was uncalled for and a very selfish act a mon avis (in my mind). Where do people get the idea that as soon as they are given some power and responsibility they get to trample over any and everyone who disturbs their idea of a perfect plan??? I honestly do not understand how one could be so selfish (especially a teacher - a teacher who teaches two subjects where understanding character's/people's backgrounds is of foremost importance) as to ignore the rest of the worlds problems at work at only towards their own comfort. It baffles me. I think some praying is in order on this one.

Boring Bits

I may lose my mind this week. Luckily, school has almost nothing contributing to my work load THANK GOSH! I otherwise would have for sure keeled over by now. And that's about it for now.

Straight to Et Cetera

Once again I apologize for my lack of complexity and length in this entry but my energy level is nearing -759. I got the most awesome tshirt from my mom today that she got for me in Arizona that says

Bush's Las Day
The End of an Error"

It may be the best shirt ever. Quite honestly. Anywho, I really superly need to get an intermediate liscense like, now. Although gas has gone up $30 *flinch*. In all honesty though, I really wouldn't care - as long as I have some way to take myself to see Michael. It seems like the five people who really understand me I either can't get a hold of or just barely have the energy to maintain a conversation with them. It is uber pathetic and it makes me sad. This week is going to take a lot of prayer to survive - that's for sure. I may as well quit while I'm ahead. *sigh* Good night...

Answer: Semisonic
Trivia 1: Artist name who sings song of entry title.
Trivia 2: What famous world leader, after ruling for 49 years, announced his/her retirement today?

Playlist: Closing Time - Semisonic, Shut Up and Smile - Bowling for Soup, Not Me -from Aida, Bottles and Bones - Califone, My Mathematical Mind - Spoon

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