
Some More Change and Some Lint

So, I think I have figured it out. Slightly, at least...definitely not all the way. We are called, not to just reach out, but to be proactive in our faith. And only proactive. Being active isn't good enough, it must be positive.

Ephesians 4:2-3 and 5:1-2 say these things respectively, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace... Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us..."

We are called to love, patience, peace, humility, and gentleness... all of the qualities we see in Christ. It is so important that we remember to not only be active but be proactive. I so often let myself that proaction can never be abrupt and eye-opening - but it absolutely can be. God will use the most unusual and negative circumstances to open doorways to Him.

Now, this is not to say that we should just around creating negative situations - this is absolutely not the case. But we do need to make ourselves noticed. If proaction is not noticable, it may as well be no action at all. The word holy means to be set apart - specifically in Christ. And this is exactly what proaction should be.

So my challenge for you is that within a week of this, you do something noticably kind for someone. Even if you aren't a believer in Christ, a) thank you for reading this and b) look for opportunities to reach out. Sometimes byreachng out, we begin to see all the doors that God has opened to us in previous situations. And I promise, He is trying.
I would like for my non-religious friends to understand the message I am conveying here clearly. God will use you - believer or not - to create eye-opening events for the people around you...but only if yo accept proaction. Think of the movie Pay It Forward. Haley Joel Osment plays Trevor McKinney - a twelve-year-old boy who sees something that many, many, many adults never understand. It just takes three small act of kindness to others, for every one done for you, to affect millions of people.

I am actually in a Basic Communications course right now and just tonight I read about that fact the effective communication and positive communication with others is a key factor in mental health and stability. Other than spiritual soundness, there are other benefits of reaching out. I urge you to do one noticable act of kindness within a week of your opening of this blog and then post your story as a comment. If you don't feel comfortable sharing, you don't need to but it would be beautiful to see some stories.

To see some as a start check out this beautiful website. Have a great and interesting week - may God move your feet =)

Playlist: Reign in Us - Starfield, The Time Has Come - Hillsong United, Imagine - John Lennon, World - Five for Fighting, Waitin' On the World to Change - John Mayer

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