
Deal Breakers

Defined, according to UrbanDictionary.com, as : " 'the catch' that a particular individual cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any redeeming qualities the individual may possess."

Almost a month ago, I had one of my good guy friends tell me that everything about me is a deal breaker. He was joking, but this got me thinking. He said that the fact that I was a vegetarian was a deal breaker. He said that me not liking people touching my face is a deal breaker. He continued the list of odd facts about me that are "universal deal breakers."

Now, I don't doubt that God has someone out there for me - but this was just hard to hear. That being said, this is not a friend that I want or expect anything from in regards to a relationship. However, to know that he sees these things that make me who I am as "universal deal breakers" was a sharp pain that I did not expect. I know that I am not breath-takingly gorgeous - and I'm okay with that most days. I am far from perfect but so is everyone. I can be crabby and too outspoke. I can be abrasive and obnoxious. But, of all things, these quirky traits that define me to be deal breakers... I sat completely baffled.

Has our culture become so egocentric that we are unwilling to love the individuality that exists in each person? Has love become an emotion of convenience?

"Oh hey, you don't get on my nerves that much... and your taste in music is decent... want to get married?"

Call me crazy or old-fashioned but...that shouldn't be how it works! Love is something that should start with "redeeming" qualities but move to include flaws as well. If love is qualified by perfection than this would be a sad world because no one would be loved. It's not always easy but it our responsibility as citizens of the world to love to the best of our ability. Whether your love is based in Christ or not, you are still called to love. Not that we can or should love absolutely everyone but everyone does deserve a chance.

According to selfcreation.com, love is accepting, love is appreciating, love is wanting another to feel good. Mother Teresa is known to have said, "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Love should come before all else.

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