
The Tide

Sorry, it has been so long readers. I really don't know why I apologize when I am pretty ssure that no one reads this but me. Oh well! Better safe than sorry =) It has once again been quite sometime since I blogged. As a kid, everyday is a new adventure and you never believe that time will truly fly (especially in time out). As each day of summer passes, I feel that actuality and gravity of the sentiment that has been relayed to me by adults all my life.

The harder I look, the more I miss. This summer - one that by even fiction's standards is supposed to be life altering - is disappearing without a trace. Not that is hasn't been memorable. That is quite far from the truth...but I am clinging to hopes that haven't flourished.

And maybe that's the point. Maybe this summer, God wants me to see and appreciate all I have. Maybe this summer won't be world shaking...because come August my life will be turned upside down. Or at least, that is my perception at this particular moment in time.

When I was at the beach these past two weeks, I discovered something. Our lives are quite like the tide. There are high tides and low tides, our good times and bad times. Often during low tides, or bad times, we discover secret treasures - a silver lining, if you will - to our situations. During high tide, the waves roll in bigger than ever and yet we enjoy and cherish that time while we can. In every 26 hour period, there are two pivotal moments - two exact minutes each day where the tide changes directions. And these two defining moments are neither definitively marked nor celebrated. I can't help but feel that life is the same way. This summer is the epitome of the tide turning... but I'm not quite sure which way...

Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
The Riddle - Five for Fighting

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