
Okay, So I Lied...

Alright! So I know I said I would be back sooner...but *shrug* life happens! As far as personal updates go: the play finished very successfully, school is SO close to being over, and I think all of my friends (myself included) are nuts. We leave Thursday (we= CB, Squishy, Kristin, Andrew, and Kelsey) for speech team nationals in Albany, NY! It should be an intersting experience to say the least =) Senior 'Stang (also known as Senior Assassin at other schools) has started this week - very intense game of water gun tag.

On a much more philosophical note, we are nearing the end...or the beginning as I have begun to call it in a last ditch effort to become an optimist. There are exactly SIX legit school days left, and I don't think that any of us seniors really know how we should react to that. I know many, including myself, will celebrate like there is no tomorrow. What I am not sure of is how I feel about that. These celebrations mean that I am ultimately nearing the point where I will be leaving EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that I know to go get a "higher education." I will be leaving that same 3 mile stretch of road that I have driven every morning and afternoon, Monday-Friday 9 months out of the past 13 years. I will be leaving my house which I could find my way around flawlessly in the dark, with a blind fold, upside down, and spun around ten times. It means I will be leaving my best friends of all time, my family, and every person whose words have shaped who I am today. I will be walking away from 18 years of memories and life experiences. My emotional and spiritual role models and supporters will not be able to drive right down the road for a hug, or chocolate, or a whole night of pity-partying when necessary.

And all of this, scares the hell out of me. Yes, this was a decision I made and yes it's one that I believe best for me. But when time comes to say "see you later" to some and "goodbye" to others, I don't know that I will be able to handle it.

Louis L'Amour once said, "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning." And so, I take it - this will be the beginning. It will be a chance to live and learn more than I ever have before. It will be a chance for all of us to grow and explore and live passionately beyond all reason.

To every senior (or everyone at a turning point): Right now the world may seem to be crashing down or exploding beyond the horizon. The only thing that I know to tell you is to find your passion, your bliss, the things in the world you could do all day and have it never seem like work and follow those things passionately, without exhaustion. The world is ours to capture and explore so DO IT!

Make sure you live your life and that it doesn't live you. Give back to those around and find selflessness in all that you do. Thirty, fourty, fifty years down the road people may remember you for your style but style means nothing without class, poise, and character. We are all of us blessed to be in such a fortunate position in life and it's easy to forget. However, don't do things for others to make yourself feel better - it cancels out the "selfless" aspect of what you are doing. It doesn't matter if cute shoes are $200 or $2. You don't have to wear or buy designer to be a role model to others.

Have fun next year finding your passion and taking the world by storm. Look for God and faithj in your life, and never forget how mujch you have been (for)given!


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