
The Value in Lingering

The time is near for bunnies and chocolate. At least, that is what most of our country is saying right now. And, in all fairness, chocolate and bunnies will always be heart-warming. To me, the saddest thing about this season is that so many people have forgotten what it stands for. This season should be a time of joy, love, laughter, and celebration - but not because a magical bunny decides to leave treats around the yard.

Without getting too preachy, I think that perhaps many people, even - especially - Christians have forgotten what this spring calls us to do. We are called to linger in the thoughts of those who are suffering. We should linger with those who are alone.

I am personally a firm believer in letting every person know that they are not alone. We are intended to be in community. A life of desolation can't be fulfilling and shouldn't be expected. We have become such a part of society that is interested only in personal gain. We forget that sharing experiences and emotion is one of the most beautiful gifts that we have been given. If we are given the choice, must of us, even I, would choose not to have to linger with others in their suffering.

Christ suffered willingly for us. We shouldn't be so proud of a Christ that we aren't willing to love and appreciate for his suffering.

So many people suffer everyday. They suffer at the hands of those they love. They suffer knowing what they want and can't have or at what they have and don't want. But no one can survive suffering alone - at least not for very long. Even Christ had people comfort and help Him on La Via Dela Rosa.

People experience life alone.

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