
Spring Break

Alas dear readers, it is spring break - the joyous, well deserved break from the month of march and its continuous school (providing there are no snow days). Yes, well, it has been an interesting spring break. Not too terribly much has happened. The rest of last week slid out in a bit of a blur (moving at the speed of molasses... cold molasses). Friday most of the gang was gone save Josh, amy, and myself. We played cards and hug tag, quite the interesting game. I got a lot closer to many freshman than I ever would have if by will. At one point there was a three way Megan sandwich as I was rushed by Josh, Ian, and Charlie at once...I don't remember who won.

Saturday brought work and a girls night in with Amy-doll (you are in my prayers, honey). We went to Gattiland where I scared the small children and became addicted to Storm Stopper. Amy and I combined tickets so that we could get some freaking awesome prizes. The squishy things we got remained our entertainment for the rest of the time. We watched lots of Eddie Izzard (Wayne in The Riches, Mr.Kite in Across the Universe), John Pinette, and even played some WoW.

Sunday was also quite the eventful day. I went to work and me and Miss Amy worked the entire day. Just us. One stylist and one receptionist. Woo hoo! I am pretty sure we should get Employees of the Month. And FYI people, plese never lose your patience at a salon, especially with a receptionist. I promise you we try our best we really do and giving us nasty looks and bad attitudes doesn't help AT ALL. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Monday, I was at my dad's in the morning where I was bit by the devil dog (Lou) and now have a wicked looking dog bite on my right hand.

Tuesday we took Bear Bear to the vet (poor baby). He got lots of shots but he's feeling better. We also got his electric fence fixed and are retraining him. So far he stays in the backyard as long as we leave his lead tied to his collar but don't tie up the other end.

And today my mm and I drove up to the Edinburgh Outlet Mall. It was not a very successful trip. A few shirts, some ice cream, some salsa ( I <3>

Forgive Me Love:

I went to your house
Walked up the stairs
I opened your door without ringing the bell
I walked down the hall
Into your room
Where I could smell you
And I
Shouldn't be here
Without permission
Shouldn't be here

Would you forgive me love
If I danced in your shower
Would you forgive me love
If I laid in your bed
Would you forgive me love
If I stay all afternoon

I took off my clothes
Put on your robe
Went through your drawers and I found your cologne
Went down to the den
Found your CD's
And I played your Johnny
And I
Shouldn't stay long
You might be home soon
I Shouldn't stay long

Would you forgive me love
If I danced in your shower
Would you forgive me love
If I laid in your bed
Would you forgive me love
If I stay all afternoon

I burned your incense
I ran a bath
I noticed a letter that sat on your desk
It said hello love
I love you so love
Meet me at midnight
And no
It wasn't my writing
I better go soon
It wasn't my writing

So forgive me love
If I cry in your shower
So forgive me love
For the salt in your bed
So forgive me love
If I cry all afternoon

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