
What a Wonderful World

Sometimes this world is in fact quite wonderful, especially days like yesterday. Valentine's Day a way to market and commercialize hippie philosophies without the world knowing. Quite amazing, if I do say so myself. Yesterday was quite the interesting day, what with love, affection, peace, and pot induced happiness floating around the school (not on my part, though).

And The Show Continues Still...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and it was quite amazing. During lunch, us speechies handed out candy-grams and carnations and it was a blast to watch surprise and ecstasy rise amongst our fellow students. Today I helped bead Amy's Big Mama dress for the ITS (International Thespian Society) Conference this weekend and it looked absolutely stunning on her. Unfortunately my closest drama friends were there today, and as I ahve to work this weekend, I was here. =( BUt as my final talk of drama -drama for the rest of the day check out these two interesting pics from practice: Bus Ride and Bus Ride 2

The Boring Bits of Life

Yesterday was quite an amazing day at school full of candy, and cupcakes, and euphoria. AP Government was full of hilarious and random discussions some of which i was to quote on Facebook. Whoopsies! Today was much more relaxed. I definitely failed my Statistics quiz by not studying, played ERS (nonviolently) and Spoons (or Marker Caps, in this case) in English. This was followed by a horrendous AP GOPO (Gov't and Politics) quiz which I DID pass, slept through drama (for our teacher was not there), and goofed off in French while learning about misplaced clauses, etc., etc.,. Work shall be interesting this weekend for the tension between Co-Manager P is building.. Death Match: P v. The Shop. We shall see who gets their way.

The Gang

The Gang has been fine, save a few Valentine's Day blues. I love everybody though, so no one can be sad! This years Valentine's Day was by far the best I have ever had. Everything yesterday made me smile. Michael and I cooked rice (or attempted to), had sparkling white grape juice, and watched Benny and Joon. Plus he got my flowers, chocolate, and a smell teddy bear. What more could a girl ask for? All in all it was quite an amazing night. =)

Absolutely Not Normal Chaos

The fam, for the most part, has been fine. Butt Munch is being a bit of a jerk though. Whilst writing this post, I overheard him yelling that everything was "pussy" over the Xbox Live. Needless to say it angered me, although i am not quite sure he completely understands what "pussy" means. Anywho, I asked him to stop because I found it very offensive and it wasn't very friendly language and his oh-so-intelligent response was "We know we're joking. Why do you have such a stick up your butt?" Which makes me wonder, all in all, if he will ever find a level-headed girlfriend when he is so derogatory and mysogenistic... maybe one of these days he will listen to the advice I am giving him. Who knows?

Et Cetera

Hmmm... what to write, what to write. My poor Bear was crying earlier (see pic below for Bear) wanting to come inside, but mostly because he wanted attention.. I can't hardly standing listening to him bark because I feel as though I am neglecting him but, alas, there is no feasible solution (other than me spoiling him... tragic). I am praying for all the victims and families touched by the NIU shootings and encourage others to do so. It is indeed a tragedy, were in a country we believe to be civilized, that civilians feel the only way to get their point across is by taking others live's. We criticize the terrorists and religous extremists and launch billion dollar programs to fix the rest of the world while our own people are being demoralized, mistreated, injured, killed, and scorned. *Shakes head* It is indeed a tragedy that we would turn our heads on our borthers and sisters instead of helping them. Also, to anyone in an area that was recently hit by large storms this past week, I encourage you to try to help adopt pets that were left home- and owner-less. With foreclosure rates going up around the country, more and more animal shelters are being overrun with animals that are left behind when families move. Please get a pet or encourage others to get their pets from rescue societies and gives these animals loving homes where they are not one in 500 dogs that barely gets any attention on any given day. Small steps + Many people = Lots of change!

Last Entry's Answer: John Greenleaf Whittier
Trivia Question: What singer did the first rendition of the song that shares a title with this entry?

Playlist: All My Loving - The Beatles, When You're Good to Mama - from Chicago, Eye of the Tiger - Survivor, 500 Miles - The Proclaimers, I'm an Asshole - Denis Leary


the mirror said...

You actually listened in Berry's today! [adopting pets, so forth and such which]

Michael said...

Louis Armstrong, sunshine. :P