
What I Don't Understand

As I near the end of college, I find that life is more often about the things we don't understand, rather than the ones we do. No matter how much education exists in the world, and no matter how much time we spend pursuing it - there will always be topics that we haven't covered, there will always be levels we haven't thought of. Today, I found one that has been lurking and hovering in the back of my mind for years.

As of this afternoon, the Minnesota House passed a bill that will potentially legalize gay marriage. For anyone who knows my faith, you might expect one reaction. For those who know my political affiliations, they might expect another.


For the record, I am thrilled. It makes my heart so happy that so many people that I love are one step closer to being able to be legally married in the state of Minnesota. And that's where the "but" comes in.

I am so tired and frustrated of seeing the people that I love torn apart by political and religious beliefs. What is the greatest commandment? Love thy neighbor. What I don't understand is why I have friends telling me that I am failing my faith by wanting my friends to be able to enjoy the same political freedom that I enjoy. What I don't understand is why I am supposed to want to restrict their freedom. It might seem simple, elementary, and ignorant of me - but if God gave us free will, why are we trying to limit the free will of others?

What I don't understand is why people equate religious marriage with political marriage. What I don't understand is why we are trying to restrict someone's social rights because of a sexuality that they didn't choose. What I don't understand is what is driving all of us to prove that we are right!

I one hundred and ten percent include myself in that. Aren't you tired of trying to be right? Aren't you tired of fighting to keep other people from their happy ending? Aren't you tired yet?

I am tired of trying to figure it out. I am tired of seeing hate well up between people who are ALL part of God's creation. I am tired of people trying to point out the sins of others while turning a blind eye to their own. I am tired people weighing sin - as if it were possible or our job to do in the first place. 

Regardless of where you stand on this issue, I love and respect you. If you think you can answer my questions, please feel free to try. All I ask is that you be respectful and keep in mind that you are no better than any other child of God.

I love my God. And because I love my God, I love people. I want people to be able to have the same legal right to family. 

What I don't understand is how keeping families from being together is showing love.